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It has been a pleasure and an education working with a wide verity of men & women of all nationalities from around the world,

United States, Canada & Mexico.


Everyone has a common feeling about improving their health as well as their friends and loved ones. I'm glad I have been able to share important information to help them get off of their drugs and have a better life.


Consider this thought. After you see the videos and watch the testamonies it will become aparent to you. Food is our natural medicine and DRUGS are the alternitive.

We have been taught backwards.


I have many more great video testamonies.

I want to say thanks to all that

share their thoughts. 


There is no magic formulations, or drugs that will cure disease!

Our products are all natural and conform to the theory that IF we give our bodies the proper foods and nutrients they may help the body, reverse and prevent the dis – eases in the body.


We have evolved the product with name changes (that’s why the different names mentioned in the testimonies), we are currently working on a new improved formulation and will probably give it a new name as we did before.


(We always recommend checking with your doctor before stopping any medications. There was no compensation for any of the testimonies, we appreciate the people wanting to share their thoughts and feeling, to help other folks. The following copy is a rough draft of the video and is not verbatim.) 

Gregory A. – Dayton OH


Gregory - Watch his video for his own words:  Had test and showed arteries were in good condition. I have had a lot of fatigue. Being overweight I started feeling tiredness & fatigue on the road. I started taking breaks, and I just couldn’t drive 600 – 700 miles a day, like I did when I was younger. I bought a 6 month supply of the juice, I call “my power juice” (VascuCleans, not really a juice) and basically it was so good I was back to driving 600 – 700 miles again, and my memory was back 100%, and I was very  productive. The 100% was within 2 to 4 weeks! In addition I had lost 10 to 15 pounds in the next 90 days. I ran out, of that juice (VascuCleans) about 30 days ago and I made detour of 100 miles today in order to come here, because I’m a Canadian / American driver for the company I’m with, and I’m going to be in Canada for a while. I don’t have the time to get the juice (VascuCleans) at home (by mail) so I came here to get a bottle to last me the next 30 days. I highly recommend it for anybody that has fatigue, tired, just don’t have the productivity and energy level they used to, and just for over all good health. I recommend it 100%, thank you very much”. Gregory

Jack from Fort Wayne & Carl


Jack – Watch his video for his own words:  I had infection, and my blood sugar sky rocketed to 400, and fed the infection.  ended up, 13 days in the hospital, 4 surgeries, and couldn’t get the blood sugar down! He went on Cardio, ( now VascuCleans) and Eden Greens (26 vegetable food drink). “In the first 9 days my blood sugar dropped from 400 to 100, I lost 30 pounds in a month, blood pressure normal 120/80. Blood sugar, still between 75-100 every day. It’s been HUGH difference in the healing. The surgeons have said “it would take at least a year to heal, BUT the whole side of my foot is totally healed, right now (6 months). It’s (out products and diet suggestions) has made a hugh difference!” Jack  


Carl - Watch his video for his own words: “On it (Cardio, now VascuCleans) 3 months. Been on blood pressure meds doesn’t take even half the dose, I used to take. The arthritis that really killed me is pretty much just reversed. I can use my hands and I used to get a lot of numbness in my arms and stuff and that’s all been gone too, and I have just a little more energy too”. Carl


Watch his video for his own words: Lost 85 pounds in a year, has no more headaches, feeling great! Rides his bike 15 to 20 miles a day now. Thinks the products are great. Sleeps great, amazing, just do it to find out. He changed his eating habits (not a diet) going to continue. Doesn’t want to go back where he was before!  Rob  

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